Sunday, March 15, 2009


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Narrator: Once long ago in a far away land stood a castle. In the castle lived four very wise men, who the village people that lived nearby imagined were wizards.

The wizards, as the village people called them, lived alone in the castle, and seldom went into the village.

One specially beautiful spring time, the Mayor of the village called the town council together and said:

The long winter is over, the days are beginning to get longer and warmer and it time to rejoice and feel happy. But something is wrong in our village. There is no happiness. There is a bad feeling and I don't know what is causing it.

Council l. People from other villages don't like to come here anymore, they can feel that bad feeling tool

CB: is it a sickness? is our town dying? What could be the cause.

Councilman 3: maybe the wizards in the castle can help us. They are very wise and some say they can work magic.

Councilman. Yes. Let's fax a letter to the castle right away and ask for their help.

Narrator 2; Dear Wise men in the castle. We have heard that you are wizards and can work magic. Our village seems to be dying. There is a bad feeling here, and we need your help.

The first wise man appeared at the next council meeting.s

Wizard 1: When I received your fax asking for help with your people I decided I would try to help you. But if you want my help, you must all do exactly as I say. I will go out into the town and walk among the people and try to look into their eyes to see what the problem is that causes this bad feeling. I will learn what I can from what I feel as I walk among the people..

Narrator:3: When he returned after walking through the town for a few hours he told the council:

Wizard 1 You must call all the towns people together in a meeting and I will tell them what I have found out that might be the problem, and I will give them a tool that will help them.

Narrator 3: the word spread quickly that a wizard had come to the village and would give them a magic tool to help them. s
The auditorium was nearly full when the wise man stood up to talk the people told each other:
Villager: Sit very quietly and listen to the words of the wizard.
Villager 2: I wonder what he will say to us. What magic tool can he give us?

Wizard .1: IS have walked among your people and tried to look into your eyes, but I discovered that your people don't seem to be able to look up and look at faces. You must look at one another as you walk in the village. You must look into the eyes of the other villagers.

Narrator:3 The People started talking to each other and in the noise and confusion that followed as the people walked out and looked at each other for the first time that spring, the wise man left the stage, and some said he had vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Narrator 4: a few days went by and the feeling of the town got better. The people knew they had to look up and look at each other as they passed, because they had promised to do as the wise man told them.

Villager: We all feel so much better with this one magic tool the wizard has given us. I wonder how it would be to feel even better. Would it be selfish and greedy to ask the wizards to give us another magic tool to help our people feel better?

Council Man: We can ask for what we want. If we tell the wizards that is what we want and need, they might send another tool.

Narrator: Again a fax was sent and the second wise man appeared before the council.

Wise 2: I am happy that you have asked honestly for what you want. It is not selfish or greedy to ask for help, to ask for things that will make you feel good. I will help you, but you must promise to do as I tell you. I will walk among the people and learn what I can from what I see.

After a few hours the second wizard returned to report to the council and another meeting of all the people was announced. This time the auditorium was fuller than before because more people had seen the announcements posted around the town.

The wise man stood before the people and they began to get very quiet and get ready to listen closely to what they could learn from the things that he would say.

Wizard 2: I have walked among your people. I see that you are all looking up and looking at faces and into eyes as you pass each other. But what i felt as I walked among you was a certain sadness. When you look at other people, you must smile at them as you pass. If you will smile at each other, you will begin to feel much happier.

Narrator: the people began to look at one another and smile right away, and the wise man left the platform in the confusion. Many said again that they had seen him disappear in a cloud of smoke and spoke of the second magic tool he had given them/. They could feel the difference right away as they looked at each other and smiled.

The feeling in the town was so much better that people from other towns were starting to visit again. They could see that the people were happier and they could feel the change in the town.

A few days passed and one of the villagers said to a council man:

Villager: We feel so much better with our two magic tools. Would it be selfish and greedy to ask the wizards to send us yet another magic tool.

Council: I wonder How it would be to feel even better than we are feeling. I wonder how much better we can feel?

The mayor once again faxed an apologetic request to the castle for help. The wizard appeared before the people, The auditorium was completely full and the crown began to be silent and still as the third wizard held up his hands.

Wizard;3 : We are happy for you that your town is feeling better and we are glad to share yet another wool with you. Once again you must promise to do exactly as tell you and y u will begin to feel even more comfortable and relaxed, and the good feelings will spread among you.
I have walked among you and listened to the sounds of the village and I will tell you what you must do. You must say hello or hi to one another as you pass by. If you will give a greeting of hello or hi as you pass, other villagers will hear of the great feeling here and will want to be with you.

The noise that followed that speech was much louder than ever before as town
people turned to each other, looked into faces and into eyes, smiled and said hello. The wizard left during all that .

Villager:; Joe said he actually saw the man disappear in a cloud of blue smoke. He must be a wizard. All that the three men have given us has worked magic in our town. The three tools have brought us so much happiness and good feelings, do we have the courage to ask for more?

Once again the castle was faxed a request for help. Once again a wise man came to walk among the people and learn from all his 5 senses all he could learn about the problem, which was really not a problem any more, but a wonderful change and excitement in the air as the people walked among each other.

The seats were filled and people stood in the isles and in the doorways to hear what the wise man would tell them. THye listened quietly to learn what they could about the magic tools he would bring.
Wizard: You have done as the first three men have told you and you have felt a great difference. Everyone can see the differences in your faces and the way you walk. There is a change in the sound of the village and I can hear a joyful sound. You have asked for another tool, and you need not apologize for asking. It is good to ask for what you want and need to feel happy and to take care of yourselves.

I know you will do as I tell you as you have already followed the directions for the first three tools. Now you need to learn the names of the people you see. Learn the names of all the people in the village. Learn to call each other by names each time you speak to one another. When you look up, look into your neighbors eyes, smile and say hi, you must say their name, and this will bring you great contentment and a friendly feeling of having loving caring neighbors and friends. All the world will hear of the happiness in this village, and all who can will come to learn from you and learn from what you have done.

The villagers all shouted:

All thank you for the magic tools, dear wizards.

Wizard: I am not a wizard, just a man who knows that I can choose to feel happy. What i have given you is not magic, but tools anyone who wants to feel happy can use. When many people use these tools, wonderful things can happen.


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